Old and beautiful? Really?

Beauty is something that gives pleasure to the mind or the senses, right? A young person can be a pleasure for the senses. A witty meme can be a pleasure for the mind.

But can your old pants give pleasure to the mind of your mother? Or pleasure to the senses of your sweetheart? Hardly at all, I dare say.

We know that old wine can be great for the senses. Therefore, we can possibly say that old wine is beautiful.

Then, an old piece of art can certainly be a pleasure for the mind.

I have recently rewatched Ikiru (To Live), a 1952 movie directed by Akira Kurosawa. Mr. Watanabe, a senior Tokyo bureaucrat, learns that he has terminal cancer and will die within six months. The movie shows Watanabe’s desperate but finally successful quest for meaning.

Ikiru is an old movie. Many consider it one of the best ever made. Watching it is an absolute pleasure for the mind. To me, this old movie is beautiful.

Mr. Watanabe sings a simple old song in the movie. I personally find that song beautiful, and you can truly appreciate it when you watch the whole movie.

Yes, old can be incredibly beautiful, especially if we put some time and effort into seeing it.

The Gondola Song from Kurosawa’s film Ikiru (To Live)

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